Sunday, October 31, 2010

Updates on Military & Church-life, respectively

A bit of time has elapsed since our last post. Aside from about one unpacked box & the fact that I have no idea where I put the rest of my purses (aka the ones that are not white), we are quite settled into our Nashville home. We have experienced bouts of loneliness from not having a large friend network here, but we have seen the benefit in this in that we are really getting to know one another very well. Jeff even comes to work several nights each week to have dinner with me on my meal break! Many wise people have shared with us the importance of intentional quality time with each other (especially in the first year of marriage) -- & we are thankful for that.

Great news! Jeff has landed a National Guard job here that we believe is an answer to prayer. Coming up next weekend is his first monthly drill with his new unit of Aircraft Petroleum Specialists. (In Georgia he was with a Combat Engineer unit.) AND his unit is now less than 30 minutes away from home (compared with ~4 hrs away from home in GA).

In other great, answer-to-prayers kinda news, we believe we have found our church home here. Journey Church is a church that is most certainly focused on the Kingdom of God as Jesus taught it & bringing it HERE through lives set on fire by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Today we began weekly meetings with a small group of people on an 8-week adventure of learning about Journey Church & also what it looks like to live in community there. In building relationships with one another, we are living as the Body of Christ. Jeff & I are exciting to plant some roots in this fellowship and begin operating as a part of the Body in this place.

Our biggest prayer request at present is that we would learn to work through our disagreements in a manner that pleases our Heavenly Father.

We cherish your prayers as you continue to labor with us. May the Gospel continue transforming lives here & everywhere! Grace and Peace be with you. In the name of Jesus Christ and to His glory. Amen.